Tuesday, November 26, 2019

Chart of Common Charges of Chemical Elements

Chart of Common Charges of Chemical Elements This is a chart of the most  common charges for atoms of the chemical elements. You can use this chart to predict whether or not an atom can bond with another atom. The charge on an atom is related to its valence electrons or oxidation state. An atom of an element is most stable when its outer electron shell is completely filled or half-filled. The most common charges are based on maximum stability for the atom. However, other charges are possible. For example, hydrogen sometimes has a charge of zero or (less commonly) -1. Although noble gas atoms almost always carry a charge of zero, these elements do form compounds, which means they can gain or lose electrons and carry a charge. Table of Common Element Charges Number Element Charge 1 hydrogen 1+ 2 helium 0 3 lithium 1+ 4 beryllium 2+ 5 boron 3-, 3+ 6 carbon 4+ 7 nitrogen 3- 8 oxygen 2- 9 fluorine 1- 10 neon 0 11 sodium 1+ 12 magnesium 2+ 13 aluminum 3+ 14 silicon 4+, 4- 15 phosphorus 5+, 3+, 3- 16 sulfur 2-, 2+, 4+, 6+ 17 chlorine 1- 18 argon 0 19 potassium 1+ 20 calcium 2+ 21 scandium 3+ 22 titanium 4+, 3+ 23 vanadium 2+, 3+, 4+, 5+ 24 chromium 2+, 3+, 6+ 25 manganese 2+, 4+, 7+ 26 iron 2+, 3+ 27 cobalt 2+, 3+ 28 nickel 2+ 29 copper 1+, 2+ 30 zinc 2+ 31 gallium 3+ 32 germanium 4-, 2+, 4+ 33 arsenic 3-, 3+, 5+ 34 selenium 2-, 4+, 6+ 35 bromine 1-, 1+, 5+ 36 krypton 0 37 rubidium 1+ 38 strontium 2+ 39 yttrium 3+ 40 zirconium 4+ 41 niobium 3+, 5+ 42 molybdenum 3+, 6+ 43 technetium 6+ 44 ruthenium 3+, 4+, 8+ 45 rhodium 4+ 46 palladium 2+, 4+ 47 silver 1+ 48 cadmium 2+ 49 indium 3+ 50 tin 2+, 4+ 51 antimony 3-, 3+, 5+ 52 tellurium 2-, 4+, 6+ 53 iodine 1- 54 xenon 0 55 cesium 1+ 56 barium 2+ 57 lanthanum 3+ 58 cerium 3+, 4+ 59 praseodymium 3+ 60 neodymium 3+, 4+ 61 promethium 3+ 62 samarium 3+ 63 europium 3+ 64 gadolinium 3+ 65 terbium 3+, 4+ 66 dysprosium 3+ 67 holmium 3+ 68 erbium 3+ 69 thulium 3+ 70 ytterbium 3+ 71 lutetium 3+ 72 hafnium 4+ 73 tantalum 5+ 74 tungsten 6+ 75 rhenium 2+, 4+, 6+, 7+ 76 osmium 3+, 4+, 6+, 8+ 77 iridium 3+, 4+, 6+ 78 platinum 2+, 4+, 6+ 79 gold 1+, 2+, 3+ 80 mercury 1+, 2+ 81 thallium 1+, 3+ 82 lead 2+, 4+ 83 bismuth 3+ 84 polonium 2+, 4+ 85 astatine ? 86 radon 0 87 francium ? 88 radium 2+ 89 actinium 3+ 90 thorium 4+ 91 protactinium 5+ 92 uranium 3+, 4+, 6+

Saturday, November 23, 2019

Is the ACT Hard 9 Key Factors, Considered

Is the ACT Hard 9 Key Factors, Considered SAT / ACT Prep Online Guides and Tips The ACT is a nerve-wracking test considering the impact scores can have on college admissions prospects. But how hard is the ACT, really? It's intimidating, sure, but it's not as difficult as it seems. The material on the ACT becomes much less challenging if you're familiar with the structure of the test and the way questions are asked. In this article, I'll go over a few aspects of the ACT that tend to make it more or less difficult and provide essential tips on how to get past some of these obstacles and end up with a great score! Is the ACT Hard? At its core, the ACT tests relatively basic concepts, so you're unlikely to see any content that's totally unfamiliar to you. However, it can definitely be challenging depending on how much you prepare and how well you've learned the material in school. The English section tests grammatical and stylistic writing concepts that will be familiar to you based on your work in English classes in late middle school and early high school. The Math section doesn't test any material past the concepts you would have learned in algebra II and trigonometry, classes which many students have taken by the end of their sophomore year of high school. The passages in the Reading section are written at approximately the reading level of an average college freshman, but they don't contain obscure vocabulary words, and most questions rely on basic reading comprehension. The Science section deals with evaluating experimental scenarios and scientific theories that you'll most likely be able to understand if you've taken a high school science class with a lab component. The main challenge of the ACT for most students is its format. You have a very limited amount of time to answer each question, and there's a significant amount of reading involved. You'll need to overcome the challenges presented by the structure of the test before you can successfully apply your knowledge of the content. 5 Factors That Make the ACT Harder There are a lot of considerations that go into answering the question "Is the ACT hard?" Here I'll list a few different qualities of the ACT that might make it difficult for you. #1: Time Pressure The ACT is challenging for many students because of its strict time constraints. On the English section, you'll answer 75 questions in just 45 minutes, which is equal to a mere 36 seconds per question. On the Math section, you'll answer 60 questions in 60 minutes, so you have a minute at most for each question. On both Reading and Science, you'll answer 40 questions in 35 minutes, meaning you get 52 seconds per question. There's no time to linger on difficult questions, so if you're not used to the test, you may run out of time before finishing one or more sections. #2: Lots of Reading The ACT includes long passages in both the English and Reading sections, and the Science section also requires quite a bit of reading (especially for conflicting viewpoints questions). There are four passages (or pairs of passages) on the Reading section that accompany sets of questions. Often, the questions don't include line numbers for reference. This can mean spending lots of time searching through the passage to find the information you need. If you don't have a good reading strategy in place before the test, you might not get to the end of the section. #3: High-Stress Environment As I've mentioned, the ACT is a high-pressure test because it can strongly impact your chances of admission to competitive colleges. Even on a test that doesn't contain extraordinarily challenging content, stress can make everything seem significantly more intimidating. If you're too worried about making mistakes, you might get distracted by anxiety and inadvertently make the test more difficult for yourself. #4: Unfamiliar Data Some students find the science section of the ACT difficult because it asks you to interpret unfamiliar data from types of experiments that you might not have encountered before in class. It can be a challenge to interpret these charts and graphs if the units are in an unusual form or are measurements of things that you can't easily visualize. Here's an example: At first glance, graphs like this are somewhat unintelligible (watts per meters squared? wut?). You can learn to get past all this to locate the core information that you need to answer the questions, but it's tough if you're not used to the test. #5: Some Challenging Math Concepts (And No Formulas) The ACT tests the occasional advanced math concept that you may not have learned yet, including a few questions on basic trigonometry. To make it even tougher, the ACT doesn't provide commonly used math formulas at the beginning of the section like the SAT does. You'll have to rely mostly on memory in that area. However, questions will provide you with the formulas you need to find the solution if they happen to be a bit more obscure. For example, this is always the case when trigonometric identities are involved. You'll probably encounter the less exciting type of pi(e) on the ACT. 4 Factors That Make the ACT Easier Now let's look at the other side. Here are a few factors that might make the ACT an easier test compared to other exams you've taken in school. #1: Consistent Structure and Question Formats The ACT is always structured the same way with the same types of questions. This standardization means it's relatively easy to predict what will show up on the test in what order. It's much simpler to prepare for a test when you know exactly what to expect. Every time you take the ACT, you can be positive that the order of the sections is English, Math, Reading, Science, and optional Writing. Within the Reading section, you can even predict the order of the passages in terms of subject matter. You can learn more about the structure of each section in this comprehensive guide to the format of the test. #2: All Multiple Choice Every question on the ACT (minus the optional essay) is multiple choice. Unlike the SAT, there are no grid-in questions on ACT Math. That means that you don't have to come up with any answers independently. All the correct answers are right there in front of you! You just need to figure out how to eliminate the choices that don't make sense. #3: ACT Science Isn't Really That Sciencey Some people are very intimidated by the Science section of the ACT because it seems like you must have to know a bunch of obscure scientific facts to do well. That's not true! The science section is just reading comprehension and data interpretation combined with basic logic. You don't need to dive back into your notes on electrochemistry or memorize physics formulas. Even if you lack confidence in your academic skills in scientific domains, you can learn to do very well on this section with some practice. #4: No Guessing Penalty The ACT doesn't take points off for incorrect answers, so leaving a question blank and answering it incorrectly are functionally the same. This means that you don't have to agonize over whether or not it's worth it to fill in a random answer bubble on a question that totally stumps you. Provide an answer for every question just in case you get lucky! Commit whatever guessing infractions you want - there's no penalty! 3 Tips to Make the ACT Easier for You I just went over a bunch of fixed qualities of the ACT that might make it easier or harder, but the biggest factor in determining how easy the test will be for you is how you choose to approach it. Here are some tips that will help you manage the challenges of the ACT and reduce anxiety surrounding such an important test. Tip 1: Take Lots of Practice Tests The number one way to make the ACT easier for yourself is by taking practice tests at frequent intervals as a part of your studying. Practice tests help you get used to the format and timing of the real test so you can avoid any unpleasant surprises. As I've said, time pressure is one of the hardest aspects of the ACT, so if you learn to manage your time well on practice tests, you'll already be much closer to a high score. Practice tests also get you accustomed to aspects of the test that appear scary at first glance but are totally manageable once you understand the format better. Tip 2: Stay Calm Test anxiety is the downfall of many students who are otherwise perfectly capable of understanding the content of the ACT. It's important to find strategies to combat the stress that accompanies these high-pressure exams so it doesn't ruin your performance. Mindfulness techniques can be helpful during the test, and being aware of the structure of the exam before you go into it can also alleviate stress. Keep in mind that your fate in life will not be determined by your score on this one exam. You'll have multiple chances to take it as long as you start the process early enough. Tip 3: Make Note of Your Mistakes Always pay attention to where you encounter errors on practice tests so you can focus on improving in those areas. The more time you devote to addressing content areas that you don't understand, the more comfortable you'll feel on test day. If you keep taking practice tests without attending to your mistakes, you'll have the format of the ACT memorized, but you won't fix any of the deeper issues that are causing you to lose points. Ultimately, if you want to gain confidence, you need to take the time to understand where you went wrong and how you can change your strategy to avoid the same mistakes on test day. You should learn to catch yourself before you start taking an incorrect route to find the solution to a question. Bottom Line: How Hard Is the ACT? The first time you take an ACT practice test, you might perceive the difficulty level as challenging, average, or relatively easy depending on your educational background. The ACT may be more difficult for people who have a hard time reading quickly or who aren't as comfortable with some of the advanced math concepts. However, it's always possible to improve your performance by continuing to practice questions that are tough for you, getting more comfortable with the timing and structure of the test, and learning to relax even when things aren't going perfectly. What's Next? For more tips, check out this article on when you should start studying for the ACT based on your goals. Thinking about getting a review book to prepare for the ACT? Read our review of the official ACT prep guide Aiming for a super high score on the ACT? Take a look at this article on how to earn a perfect or close to perfect score with the help of some expert study strategies. Want to improve your ACT score by 4+ points? Download our free guide to the top 5 strategies you need in your prep to improve your ACT score dramatically.

Thursday, November 21, 2019

Article and Episode Review Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

Article and Episode Review - Essay Example Even after trying to shake the concept by engaging in comedy films, they still could not avoid seeming morally weak. With the advent of technology and other similar developments, the Asians have had changes in their lifestyles and this has led to the creation of movies that do not generally describe the poor Asian culture. One of the movies that have characterized this according to the article is Second Generation. The movie is one that was acted and directed by Asians in their own terrain. It is seen as a big step forward as it does not focus on vices but rather describes the Asian movie world in another perception. The movie generally talks about the music industry, touches a little on religion and the concept of romance rather than an extended focus on rituals. The article further talks about the movie and describes the actions of the characters. On the romance part of the film, it describes the manner through which a lady, Heere, is free of family oppression and lives with the lo ver, Jack. The religious part of the movie is where there is the description of the mosque to which she goes and the fact that there is the worship of a supreme being. As for the music industry, Heere is said to have run to her ex boyfriend. ... The article claims that the concept of family is again portrayed in the film but not in the best manner possible. This got at the point where Heere’s father gets ill and is put in a coma. It is at this point where it is understood that the family was not running all that well. This is because the sisters call Heere and ask her to get back home and face her past. The past relationship between her and her family was poor as her father was against the idea of her dating Jack. Heere who had acted in rebellion had taken off from home and gone to live with Jack. Her sisters had got mad at the idea and had decided to lose contact with her. The article states that the story is however turned around when she gets back home and re unites with her family for the sake of the deep embedded love that she bore for her father. This is a move against ancient Asian movies that the family relations were not fully settled but rather ended with a negative aspect. Second Generation constantly shows problems associated with families and the manner through which they get resolved. Minority media is described as a notion that the conventional media either lacks the ability or the willingness of airing the problems being faced by the minority population. It is described to be one of the causes of homogeneity when dealing with the population due to the fact that it does not represent all communities fairly. In Second Generation, several scenes clearly describe the concept of minority media. One of the scenes is at the point where Heere’s father gets ill and there is no much focus on her health by the media through Heere’s ex lover, Sam. Heere is portrayed to be of a less developed community as

Tuesday, November 19, 2019

Journal Articles Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

Journal Articles - Research Paper Example Although there is not much difference between a manger and a leader most football managers assume the role of maximizing the output of the sports team by effectively organizing, staffing and directing. Moreover, this paper sought to distinguish characteristics that would lead to the appointment of an effective manager to help direct the future success of a sports team. Unfortunately the paper did not distinguish a simple clear cut manager characteristic and postulated that effective management varies across player characteristics and the organizational environment. The next section of the paper distinguished leadership qualities. Quite simply leadership was defined as the attempt to influence others through a variety of mechanisms. Unfortunately the relationship between manager and player is complex and depends largely on the organizational goals (Maintaining team status for example). Without getting into too much detail the paper outlined a great deal of early research pertaining to traits and skills of effective leadership but what proved to be very effective was a strong degree of consistency. Interactional approaches to leadership was covered in brief yet stressed the importance of differentiating between task-oriented football managers and relationship oriented football managers.

Sunday, November 17, 2019

Japan - Sound of Waves Essay Example for Free

Japan Sound of Waves Essay After researching about the geography and religious beliefs of Japan, I can now realize how it impacts the novel, as the author has really described the setting and geography in depth. Japan has got a huge population for its small size. Since 4/5 of Japans land is full of Mountains (originally volcano’s). This means many people live in the narrow river valleys along the coast, which means people don’t live equally distributed around Japan leading to many people in a small space. Which means its a small area but still loads of people to gossip on Shinji and Hatsue. â€Å"Mishima† starts of the book with how small the island is, yet there are so many people. â€Å"About fourteen hundred inhabitants and a coastline of something under three miles â€Å". * Since Japan is an archipelago, there are many islands that make up Japan, but 4 main islands: Hokkaido, Honshu, Shikoku, and Kyushu. Instead this novel is set on â€Å"Uta-Jima† Song Island, to show the readers the life and experience on one of these Islands. We learn fishing is a very important part of their day on Uta Jima Island. â€Å"The boy often brought fish in this way† suggesting how regularly people eat fish. This is because people in Japan live in a archipelago, so they are separated from the rest of Asia, leading them to build unique characteristics. Since Japan doesn’t have much farming land, they only have sea, which is why their main food is fish (sushi) and not any other meat or veggies. Having many islands this helps Japan, as each island is surrounded by sea. Therefore fish becomes their main source of food. The fish is served raw, as Japan doesnt have much trees (oil) to cook the fish, this explains why sushi’s fish is always raw. This shows us how important it is for Shinji to catch fish, because that is what his whole family lives on. * * Religion plays a big part of this novel. This novel is based on Shintoism. Shinto is a Japanese religion, that has 4 affirmations, but there is one main one which is shown through out this novel, â€Å"Love of Nature†. Everything in the novel is based on the sea, which is of course nature. All the descriptions are revolved around nature The gravestones looked like so many white sails of boats anchored in a busy harbor This explains why Shinji is so attached with the sea, because its part of his religion, this shows the readers that Shinji is religious. As a Shinto believes that nature is sacred, and to be in contact with nature is to be close to the Gods. * * Therefore, the geography of Japan and the many religious beliefs of Shinto all influence Shinji’s character in the novel, from where they eat, to how they live to how he loves†¦

Thursday, November 14, 2019

Aristotle and Heidegger Allowing Personal Accountability Essay

Aristotle and Heidegger Allowing Personal Accountability A disquieting article recently appeared in The New York Times. The article chronicles the story of Larry W. Peterman, resident of Provo, Utah, owner of a successful adult video store, and defendant in a case in which he was charged with selling obscene material. During Peterman’s trial, the following information came to the fore, "As it turned out, people in Utah County, a place that often boasts of being the most conservative area in the nation, were disproportionately large consumers of the very videos that prosecutors had labeled obscene and illegal. And far more Utah County residents were getting their adult movies from the sky or cable than they were from the stores owned by Larry Peterman."11 Mr. Spencer, a public defender who described himself as a devout Mormon said, "The fact is that an awful lot of people here in [Provo] are paying to look at porn. What that says to me is that we're normal."22 Provo’s "normal" residents buy twice as much pornography as the occupants of other comparably sized American cities.33 Ostensibly most, if not all, of Provo’s predominantly Mormon inhabitants have heard their church leaders constantly, unequivocally decry pornography.44 Yet despite constant warnings, not only are Provoans incontinent, they are statistically twice as incontinent as their other small-town counterparts. What could explain this weakness? Moreover, what is it in us that seems to make us prone, or whereby we make ourselves prone, to incontinence? Aristotle in his Nicomachean Ethics and Martin Heidegger in Being and Time both offer models of human action that account for human weakness, which Heidegger calls inauthenticity and Aristotle names akrasi... ...iversity Press, 1993) John Haugland, "Heidegger on Being a Person," in Nous 16, no. 1 (1982) Martin Heidegger, Being and Time, trans. John Macquarrie and Edward Robinson (New York: Harper and Row, 1962) Soren Kierkegaard, Fear and Trembling: Dialectical Lyric, trans. Howard V. and Edna H. Hong (New Jersey: Princeton University Press, 1983) Daniel N. Robinson, "Psychology as a Human Science: Rationality, Volition, and the Moral Point of View," in Aristotle's Psychology (New York: Columbia University Press, 1989) Amelie Okensberg Rorty, "The Place of Contemplation in Aristotle's Nicomachean Ethics," Mind 87, no. 347 (Jul 1978) M.T. Thornton, "Aristotelian Practical Reason," Mind 91, no. 361 (Jan 1982) C. Terry Warner, "The Aristotelian Strategy," in "The Possibility of Self-Deception" (Department of Philosophy, Brigham Young University, photocopy)

Tuesday, November 12, 2019

Heart of Darkness Parallels

Heart of Darkness V Apocalypse Now The fictional novel Heart of Darkness by author Joseph Conrad is a book written in first person. The setting of the novel is in the Congo Jungle, with most of the book occurring on the Congo River. The novel describes Marlow’s story and his many strange encounters while traveling up the Congo River. Marlow is on a mission to retrieve the very successful ivory merchant Kurtz, who has been separated from his company. Heart of Darkness deals with themes of colonialism, racism, and savagery. While also exploring the potential darkness that can be seen in the heart of man.Apocalypse Now is a movie directed by Francis Coppola came out in 1979. It is set at the height of the Vietnam War. U. S. Army Captain Willard is sent on a top secret mission into the jungles of Cambodia. His mission is to seek out and destroy Colonel Kurtz, who is believed to have gone completely insane. The novel Heart of Darkness and the movie Apocalypse Now have many parallel s. Both works follow the same story line but presented in completely different contexts. Even though Apocalypse Now is based upon the book, there are still many differences in themes, characters, and events.The largest of these differences is the setting and time of the two works. While watching Apocalypse Now the viewer is able to observe many scenes that are similar with the novel Heart of Darkness. One of the most apparent of these scenes is when the natives attack the men on the boats. After the attack Coppola and Conrad both use fog to show the uncertainty the characters have in regards to completing their tasks. The men in the novel begin to randomly shoot into the jungle once the attack begins. They are unable to see their attackers so they are shooting completely blind.After the attack is over a large cloud of smoke from the men’s guns floating in front of the boat. Marlow then continues to lead the men of the boat blindly up the Congo River. In Apocalypse Now after t he attack by the natives, a fog also surrounds the boat. In the movie the fog is used to represents Willard’s thoughts. Captain Willard is not sure whether what he is doing is worthwhile. He has no idea what he is getting himself into; one of his men has just died without even knowing the purpose of his mission. The fog in both stories is used to represent the leader’s uncertainty of their missions.In both Apocalypse Now and Heart of Darkness madness is represented during the attack. In the novel the Helmsman goes crazy and in the novel Chief is the character that succumbs to madness. In Heart of Darkness when the natives attack the boat the Helmsman begins to go crazy, jumping up and down going absolutely mad during the attack, acting like a complete animal. He begins shaking his empty rifle and screaming at the men on the shore he is unable to see. In the movie, Chief begins to go mad when he realizes that not even Willard knows the location of where they are headed. When the boat is to be attacked by the natives with harmless arrows the Chief goes absolutely absurd. Screaming at the shores completely exposing himself to his attackers. A huge mistake because as soon as Chief exposes himself a spear that turns out to be deadly hits him. There are many parallels between the novel Heart of Darkness and the movie Apocalypse Now. Throughout the entire movie there are scenes that are nearly identical to the novel. During the attack seen parallels with fog and madness can be seen in both Apocalypse Now and Heart of Darkness.

Sunday, November 10, 2019

A Portrait of the Artist as Filipino Essay

†Bitoy Camacho, an old friend of the Marasigans, pays them a visit one afternoon after many years of absence. He is greeted by the two daughters of Lorenzo Marasigan, a famous painter, who in his declining years has been living in isolation and abject poverty. Recently, he finished his latest and perhaps last major work of art, a painting he entitled Portrait of the Artist as Filipino. The sisters Paula and Candida welcome Bitoy. They reminisce about the past and the good old days. Tony Javier, a young musician renting a room in the house, comes home from work and is surprised. Tony confides to Bitoy his frustrated efforts in convincing the sisters to sell the painting to an American client. †In the second act, Don Lorenzo is visited by Manolo and Pepang–the older brother and sister of Candida and Paula. They plan to transfer their father to a hospital and sell the house. They have invited Don Perico, a senator to convince their younger sisters. Don Perico appeals to both sisters to donate the painting to the government in exchange for a handsome pension that would relieve them of their burden. The sisters remain firm and indifferent during the debate the senator is forced to examine his life realizing too late that he has betrayed his true vocation as an artist-poet. Forlorn and devastated by remorse, [the senator] bids the sisters farewell. †Manolo and Pepang quarrel with their younger sisters [who] are forced to reveal why their father painted the picture. They had confronted him a year before, and in pain accused him of having wasted their lives. As a reaction, he painted his last work of art and then attempted to commit suicide. †Alone, Candida tells Paula of her frustration in job seeking. Tony Javier rushes in with news about his American client who has doubled his offer [for the painting]. In a moment of weakness, Paula abandons the house and joins Tony. †The third act begins with Bitoy remembering the Octobers of his youth and the feast of La Naval de Manila. A group of visitors to the Marasigan home inquire about rumors that the painting and Paula have disappeared forcing Candida to admit what happened and accuses herself of masterminding the crime. Paula enters and admits to having destroyed the portrait. Crushed, Tony accuses the two women of condemning him back to poverty. He leaves cursing them. In the meanwhile, the two sisters reconcile and reaffirm their decision to remain in the house with their father. Bitoy in a monologue ends the play with a prayer deciding to dedicate his life to the preservation of Intramuros and its historical past through art and memory.†

Thursday, November 7, 2019

Man Rules Essay examples


Tuesday, November 5, 2019

The Definition of a C Algorithm

The Definition of a C Algorithm In general, an algorithm is a description of a procedure that terminates with a result. For example, the factorial of a number x is x multiplied by x-1 multiplied by x-2 and so on until it is multiplied by 1. The factorial of 6 is 6! 6 x 5 x 4 x 3 x 2 x 1720. This is an algorithm that follows a set procedure and terminates in a result. In computer science and programming, an algorithm is a set of steps used by a program to accomplish a task. Once you learn about algorithms in C, you can use them in your programming to save yourself time and to make your programs run faster. New algorithms are being designed all the time, but you can start with the algorithms that have proven to be reliable in the C programming language. Algorithms in C In C, the designation identifies a group of functions that run on a designated range of elements. The algorithms are used to solve problems or provide functionality. Algorithms work exclusively on values; they dont affect the size or storage of a container. Simple algorithms can be implemented within a  function. Complex algorithms might require several functions or even a class to implement them. Classifications and Examples of Algorithms in C Some algorithms in C, such as find-if, search, and count are sequence operations that dont make changes, while remove, reverse, and replace are algorithms that modify operations. The classifications of algorithms with a few examples are: Non-modifying sequence modifications (find-if, equal, all_of)Modifying sequence operations (copy, remove, transform)Sorting (sort, partial sort, nth_element)Binary Search (lower_bound, upper_bound)Partitions (partition, partition_copy)Merge (includes, set_intersection, merge)Heap (make_heap, push_heap)  Min/max (min, max,min_element)   A list of the most common C algorithms and example code for many of them are available online in C documentation and on user websites.

Sunday, November 3, 2019

Causes of Juvenile Deliquency Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

Causes of Juvenile Deliquency - Essay Example In this essay, there are three important factors that are considered to explain the causes of juvenile delinquency which include the fast-paced globalization, poor family bonding and extreme case of peer influence. The fast-paced globalization offers many significant things to people, but it simply tries to distort reality. Embracing advancements in all areas of life have important benefits to mankind but this specifically resulted to having different lifestyles at present compared from the past. Young people before may have productive learning opportunity and a clear view of reality. For instance, this is most probably because of the absence of fast-speed broadband connection. Nowadays, young people may have the opportunity to connect to the internet anywhere at anytime because of the presence of advanced communication gadgets and connectivity. Having these cutting-edge technologies are integral components of globalization. However, on the other end, these would be able to fulfill t he young people’s desires, wants or needs in just an instant leading some of them to live highly unproductive lifestyle. For instance, watching pornographic materials and any programs with illicit sexual contents may fill their desires for sex at an early age and even consume their time that should have been given to highly productive activities in life. They can also generate various ideas from the advancement of technology, but on the other end it would either help or destroy their learning advantage and view of reality. Today, young people are just simply exposed to instant information that may either destroy or help them depending on how they acquire and use it. Poor family bonding is another reason why children may potentially grow as violent individuals. Family is the basic unit of the society and it is at home that a child’s character should be substantially developed or formed. Excellent parenting is necessary nowadays. This activity requires different componen ts or aspects and one of it is having quality time for family bonding. It is by doing this activity that children or juveniles will be guided by their various decisions or plans in life by their parents. They would also have the opportunity to feel within themselves that they have family that cares for their needs or other relevant essentials in life. As a result, they could build trust and confidence in themselves which would always give them the best opportunity for deciding the best things for their lives. In other words, poor family bonding simply leads a child to the other way around. In this case, a child may lack the right perspective of viewing the right things for their lives because in the first place they have not experienced the opportunity to look at the right perspectives in living. As a result, various street children in the world ended up in juvenile confinement as they engaged themselves in heinous crimes or violence when they grew up. Another important factor that contributes to juvenile delinquency is an extreme case of peer influence. This substantially happens if various needs of children or young adults are not satisfied at home. Their outlet would be their friends which is the usual case in wherever part of the world. Young people usually confide

Friday, November 1, 2019

Maths Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2500 words

Maths - Essay Example 1. A hydroelectric project is expected to create a large lake into which some fish are to be placed. A biologist estimates that if 10,000 fish were introduced into the lake, the population of fish would increase by 50% in the first year, but the long-term sustainable limit would be about 60,000. Form the information above, write two ordered pairs in the form where . Hence, determine the slope and equation of the linear growth factor in terms of . It is also given that the long-term sustainable limit of population of fish is 60,000. This will be case when there is no increase in fish for next year, therefore, the growth factor (r) for this case will be equal to 1. Since, a logistic population growth model takes a similar form as the geometric population growth model. However, in this case, the growth factor depends on the size of the population and is variable. In previous section 1, the equation of growth factor (r) is determined, which is: 4. The biologist speculates that the initial growth rate may vary considerably. Following the process above, fine new logistic function models for using initial growth rates 2, 2.3, and 2.5. Describe any new developments. From table 2 data, it can be seen that for higher values of initial growth rate r (2, 2.3, 2.5 and 2.9), the logistic model does not correctly determine the population of the fish over the 20 years period. For example, for initial growth rate of 2, the fish population exceeds stable population (60,000) three times; for initial growth rate of 2.3, the fish population exceeds stable population (60,000) eight times; and for initial growth rate of 2.5, the fish population exceeds stable population (60,000) nine times. For initial growth rate of 2.9, the fish population exceeds stable population (60,000) ten times and sometimes it touches the population value of approximately 70,000. For initial growth rate of 2.9, the fish population exceeds stable population (60,000) ten times